
Kettlebell Kickboxing Scorcher Series 4 Disc DVD Set Cheap

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Kettlebell Kickboxing Scorcher Series 4 Disc DVD Set

Kettlebell KickboxingTM is a one-of-a-kind FEMALE only method developed by fitness & martial art expert Dasha Libin Anderson, MS, NASM-PES, NASE, M-KBIA.  Kettlebell KickboxingTM transforms the body, using the sleek motions of martial arts and the power and strength of the Russian kettlebell. In one hour of class 2-3 x a week, or in 3 weekly DVD sessions  you WILL get the firm,  long and lean body  of  which you have always dreamed. Finally find complete stress relief  and see what it feels like to be stronger and healthier then ever before! With 1,000 calories burned in one hour, each motion is female specific and result proven.

Our motto is simple...
Change the way you see yourself!

Featured in a six page spread by SELF Magazine, Better TV, PIX11′s Fitness expo, Kettlebell Magazine, Fitness Rx, Oxygen Magazine, ABC Radio and more,  Kettlebell Kickbxoing TM  has been credited as one of the most unique, functional, efficient  and effective ways to get fit. The method has been used many models and celebrities and thousands of NYC women with great success.

Kettlebell Kickboxing TM guarantees between 800-1,000 calorie burn in 60 minutes, or approximately 500-600 calories in a 25-35 minute single DVD session. Not only does it  maximize your calorie burn, it also helps women build beautiful lean muscles that are functional and strong.  Training Kettlebell KickboxingTM aids your metabolism, relieves stress and aligns the body with the perfect mixture of agility, flexibility and strength.

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